Wednesday, January 06, 2010

2nd months...

~2.5oz no longer enough.
~Bowel movements reduced.
~Able to turn her head to follow moving objects.
~Learns to grab things.
~Learning to lift her head when i put her to lie on her stomach.
~Last feeding at night around 11pm-12am, the next feeding would be 3am.

Went to poli for monthly routine check on 3rd Dec. Both of us is doing well. Baby's weighted at 4.05kg and me 50kg ( a long way to reduce to original weight '-' ).

Starting this week, me and my mum taking turn to take care of my girl at night to reduce tiredness.

~Finished 3oz.
~2 bowel movements in a day.
~Start grabbing things especially like to grab my fingers during feeding.
~Learning to turn herself.
~Likes to stick out her tongue to taste.
~Sometimes would response with 'argh', 'ngh' when we talk to her.

~End of week 7, start giving her 3.5oz.
~Able to lift her head steadily.
~Likes to taste her own arm or turn her head to lick the pillow which she lies on or moves the small pillow on her chest to her mouth to taste. ;p
~Likes to be hold as standing position ie. her head against my shoulder or sitting position instead of reclining position.
~While being hold, always turn her head to look around curiously.
~Smile/Laugh a lot, especially when people talk to her.
~Able to turn herself to sleep on her back if i put her to sleep on her side.
~Last feeding at night around 11pm-12am, next feeding at around 4am.

Visit pediatric for the first time due to the flu. Luckily it wasn't serious. No medicine given because she's too small. Recovered by her own after a few days. Doctor said she's an active girl..haha..

~Response more with 'ngh', 'argh' and lovely smile, when we talk to her.
~Make noise to catch our attention when it's too silent.
~Show 'pity face' when she wants us to carry her.
~Likes to stare at moving objects such as ceiling fan, would smile happily and move her hands and legs.
~Loves to turn herself to lie on her side and taste both her fist.

~Get angry if we move her hand away from her mouth when she's tasting.
~One bowel movement per day.
~Kicking strongly.
~Can recognize faces and sound, would smile and laugh to someone she familiar with especially my little cousin. When he come near to her and call her name, she will response happily.
~Able to lift her head when she's on her tummy, feels happy when i put her on her tummy.
~Start drooling.

Brought my girl to poli for vaccination on 31/12/2009. Spent about 2.5 hours there including waiting time. Glad that she sleep through while waiting and awake only a while during checking and injection. Her weight has increased to 5.15kg. After the vaccination, got mild fever. She sleeps a lot and seems losing her appetite (unable to finish feedings), perhaps due to the medication for fever. Fever recovered the next day.


凯丽。angie said...

都看到了。。。 :)

ahteekitchen said...

U have a nice cute girl!