Monday, April 26, 2010

Scary bites!!!

Since born, my girl attracts mosquito. Actually, 3 of us (hubby, me and bb) are very attractive to mosquito (LOL...). We always being attacked before others and among us my girl is their favorites. Perhaps she's fresher...haha...

I tried a lot of methods to prevent her being bitten ie. repelling lamp, electric repellent mat/liquid, Cosway aromatic antimos, electric repelling racket, but none of them seem useful. She never free of rashes.

Still smiling...sigh...

Actually, i dont mind my darling donating some blood to them if they are harmless. But dengue fever is a serious illness. On the other hand, my girl having super sensitive skin. Her skin react badly to the bites and it takes her weeks to recover, some even leaving scars. And always if being bitten, it wont be one bite. Nothing can be done (advised by doc) besides applying ointment to relief the itchiness. Poor Girl....She is a nice bb, although the reaction seems bad and i believe it's very uncomfortable, she never get cranky because of that....

A blister on 2nd day after the bite.

leg full of rashes, leaving scars until today...

Swelling eye....smiling face....

It's my responsibility to take a good care of my darling but i have failed....sigh...

Anyone has any usable method to keep my darling away from mosquito???


LHS said...

oh gosh, see also heartache.

have you ever tried Burt's Bees, quite a good brand, maybe you can check it out.

summer is here and the mosquito will be getting more and more, do be careful.

i light up the Lampe Berger essential oil every often which it is good to repel mosquito. or, just close the windows and doors before the sky turns dark.

凯丽。angie said...


Beautisleep said...

Hi, probably you want to try this, check it out on the net:
I have tried it on my boy and it's effective.