Monday, November 10, 2008


Ever seen these 2 fruits before? I have never seen them at any markets in Malaysia. But all of us know their name and i believe most have tasted them by another way instead of fresh fruits. The green one is Chinese dates whereas the red one is Hawthorn.

The specific name for this Chinese dates is "Winter Red Dates", "Dong Hong Zhao" in mandarin. I was wondering why it is call red dates when it is actually green. The local told me it will turn red slowly especially after basking under the sun. Most of us surely have tasted the dried red dates since Chinese always use it to make soup. But a fresh one? These fresh dates taste sweet. The texture very much like an apple but drier, not juicy. Quite nice to eat fresh.

turning red after weeks of basking....

Hawthorn, i got the name from dictionary because never known what it's call in english. In mandarin we call it "San Za". I was first attracted by it's beautiful color in the market. We always eat the "San Za Pian" (hawthorn slice) which is after processed and never know how is the fruit look like. Now i realised, it looks beautiful. The fruit taste very sour like plum but not juicy at all. The texture also like an apple, a soften apple. I am not sure i have bought the sour one or that is it's original taste, but it is not nice to eat fresh, too sour. I prefer the "San Za Pian". :P

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