Thursday, August 27, 2009

My 2nd Trimester

I was already back at home under my mum's care before my 2nd trimester started. My weight grown almost immediately after i'm back. Most probably because i have passed the unpleasant "morning sickness" period plus nice food available anytime. I started to eat more meals and slowly 2 pcs of toast with milk doesn't seem enough for my supper. Then, i started to awake during midnight due to hungriness and i had to wake up to had another piece of bread, else i won't be able to fall asleep....hehe......Until the end of 2nd trimester, i have gained a total of 8kg (from 43kg to 51kg). Well, i am glad that my weight is growing steadily and within limits, with my good appetite though.

Had admitted to GH for 1 day due to minor bleeding during early 2nd trimester. It wasn't a pleasant stay, though. Advised by GH's gynea, the bleeding was due to low laying placenta (gynea in SZ did mentioned when i had brownish discharged) which later being confirmed by private gynea. I was being told not to worry until 3rd trimester and to rest more, avoid carry heavy things.

Mum brought me to temple to pray for blessing and the 'goddess' advised me to limit my movements (used to walk fast with big steps ;p). I had since then walk and move like penguin, slow and steady. Besides, my family suspected my brother's wedding is part of the cause. Traditional Chinese belief believes it is not good to crash 2 "happy" events (ie. pregnancy vs wedding). Therefore, i was told not to involve too much in my brother's wedding (am helping a lot since back), could only attend the dinner as guest. Also, avoid attending other's wedding, party as well as funeral, even eating things bringing back from those events. I am also being taught to massage my belly with upward movements to help bring up my placenta. I am not sure whether it really help, but my placenta has moved up to normal position at the end of 2nd trimester.

Someday during mid 2nd trimester, i found my legs look swelling and my aunt also noticed it. Of course it wasn't really swelling (confirmed by gynea, not edema), my legs just merely grown "bigger" instead. Another words, they have grown fatter and stronger, to support my weight, i guessed...haha...Until end of 2nd trimester, that's the only part on me get fatter since i gained my weight **crossing my finger**. Hopefully they will become slim after deliver (I still wished to wear mini skirt! ;p)

My belly has grown bigger from day to day and the belly button has become more and more shallow, sort of flatten. Till end of 2nd trimester, my waistline is about 36 inches. Also, i can feel my baby growing more and more heavy. Because of the belly growing bigger and heavier, my movements become clumsy. No matter sitting or squatting, i had to be very slow, cant even walk fast when rushing and i always have to put a hand on my lower abdomen when moving, like holding it. Anyway, no one will blame me...pregnant women is the "greatest"....hehe....

Since early of 2nd trimester, i started to feel my baby kicks softly once in a while. During mid of the trimester, i have started to do the kick count as requested by the nurse in GH poli. At the beginning, it is still hard to count because sometime i cant feel the kicking especially when i am busy, had to pay much attention to get it counted. And slowly, i could feel more and more kicking including her movements. End of the trimester, my baby already moving quite actively, of course it's because she already growing bigger and my tummy has limited space left. It's really amazing to feel my baby moving in my tummy and knowing there's a little one attached to me.

Around mid of 2nd trimester, i found my tummy will get harden at night. It feels like the baby is expanding, pushing out hard inside my tummy and caused pressure to my waist. I'll have to sit or stand really straight. Strange thing is after a night sleeping, my tummy will soften in the morning. Then, get harden again at night. Anyway, the Gynea said its normal because baby is more active at night.

Almost at the end of 2nd trimester, sometimes, i feel painful at my lower abdomen as well as my lower back. Of course, i know this is because my baby has grown bigger and caused pressure. Also, my leg will cramp once in a while during midnight, have taken calcium tablets though. And since i am sleeping alone, the only thing i can do is reminding myself to relax the muscle. I'm glad that actually help, otherwise i really don't know what to do.

People always said husband had to be around when the wife is pregnant, to share those sweet and sour moments together. From what the wife has suffered during pregnancy, husband will be more loving, caring and appreciate the wife more. I agreed it will be nice if hubby is around with me for all these and i believe he would love to, if he could. However, our situation just doesn't allow. Of course, i can stayed at SZ with hubby until 3rd trimester and then be back in M'sia for delivery. But that will caused burden to hubby. He felt worry when he is working, i'm alone at home. Besides, pregnancy check is really costly in Hongkong and inconvenient. So our best option is, i am back. Anyway, i glad he is back once during my 2nd trimester and did feel the changes on me. I have also try my best to describe my changes and to share my feeling when we having webchat.

Still another 3 months to go. I hope he is with me when i delivered our baby. So, "my little darling, please be patient. Get growing and wait till you are ready only come out to meet daddy and mummy, ya?''


Peg's Cottage said...

When is your EDD?

Jess said...

Peg, it'll be early Nov.